Of All Sad Words of Tongue or Pen…

Cross-country keeping up

The hunt continues…. May 29, 2010

Filed under: Life Happenings — luckbear114 @ 8:42 pm

I took yesterday off work to go do some serious house hunting.  I’ve taken a couple weeks off and just watched the market, so my realtor and I felt confident that we now had a list of several good contenders.  My future roomie came with me to be my second set of eyes.  Here are the houses we saw, in order:

1. A house with a mold problem

2. A house that smelled like the inside of a port-a-potty

3. A house with green carpet and green painted trim throughout

4. A house that someone had clearly been shot in but the selling agent had completely ignoring the law about bio-hazard cleaning and warnings

5. A house that clearly houses chain-smoking hoarders

I’m sure the question going through your mind right now is Where on earth is she trying to buy a home?  The ghetto? The answer is no, I am not looking for a house in the ghetto.  I’m looking in neighborhoods on Kernan, Hodges and Beach Blvds.  And this is what it has to offer me.  I am getting frustrated beyond what I am able to express.  I am still certain that buying is the best option for me and I am not in a hurry, but I am a little disappointed.  However, I refuse to let that disappointment lead me to buy a house that I otherwise wouldn’t just because it is there and I dislike it the least.  I’m in a good position because neither me nor my roomie are under any time restrictions.

I have diagrammed the Harry Potter driving plans and I’ve created an itinerary with as few contingencies as possible.  I would like to eliminate those contingencies, though.  To do this I need to know Kathryn and Amanda’s plans.  I will try contacting them tomorrow and email the driving diagram, general itinerary and park specific itineraries once I’m confident that the contingencies are as few and low-impact as possible.

I am literally counting the days until that weekend!!!!!!!!  I can’t wait to see y’all!


Let the countdown begin!!!! May 16, 2010

Filed under: Life Happenings,Uncategorized — luckbear114 @ 6:06 pm

Just over a month until Wizarding Wold of Harry Potter opens!!!!!!!  I booked our rooms today, so we’re all set to go!  As it gets closer we’ll have to set up a chat time or something online so we can go over the details.

Saturday I’m going to Orlando to see Spring Awakening with Accountant.  I’m super psyched to FINALLY see it live.  I wanted to get a new outfit that I could wear for this play and for my friend’s upcoming wedding.  I scoured the internet checking the websites of all my favorite stores, but I couldn’t find a dress I liked enough to spend so much money.  On a whim I went to the Dillard’s outlet store in the hopes of finding a great pair of shoes or something to base an outfit on.  I looked through the dresses and ****Heavenly choirs singing**** I FOUND THE PERFECT DRESS!!!!  I tried to find a picture of it online so I could put it on here, but I can’t find it anywhere.  It’s a blue Calvin Klein fitted knee-length dress with criss-crossed draped material at the top.  I am in love with it.  I’m also in love with the price…it was only $30.  I have a great pair of shoes that will match, so I just bought a clutch to go with it and viola! a whole new cocktail outfit for less than $50.

I know I haven’t talked about work in awhile, but remember that girl my boss was clearly having an affair with?   Well, she got fired.  That’s kinda started different little pockets of drama and I’m completely over it.  In high school, I thought stupid drama would end once we all graduated.  Then in college I thought the drama would end once I got into professional arenas.  Now that I’m there and there’s still stupid drama, I’m convinced that it won’t go away no matter how old I get.

Y’all haven’t updated in a long time!!!  I guess I can excuse the ones that are teachers/students.  I’m sure the end of the year gets incredibly hectic.  However, since semesters should be ending and not everyone is a teacher…….


Turn Around Bright Eyes May 10, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings,Uncategorized — luckbear114 @ 8:06 pm

Before I begin anything else I must state this complete and infallible truth: Tuesdays evenings from 9-10 is the best hour of my week because of Glee. This is the only show that I watch regularly and of which I have not missed a single episode.  Total Eclipse of the Heart has been stuck in my head since I watched Glee last week.  This is the last song anyone should ever have stuck in their head…

Houses!  Ugh, I’m 100% over it, but I have to live somewhere so I have to keep looking.  I’ve put in offers on 4 different homes now and each one has not gone through for completely different reasons.  I’m looking at one tomorrow, but I’m not very hopeful about it, to be honest.

I haven’t found my glasses.  They’ve been missing for over 2 months.  I suppose it’s time to face the inevitable: they are lost forever.  If this house doesn’t work out tomorrow I’m going to put the house buying thing on hold for a month or so.  I have too many things coming up that I need to spend my money on.  Mostly I just mean glasses and Harry Potter weekend, naturally.

I haven’t been reading very much since the last blog I wrote.  I’ve only finished two books and I’m in the middle of a third which is a sequel to one of the others.  So let’s get down to it!!

Lies– Michael Grant.  This is the third book in the GONE series.  In case you haven’t read them, these books are sort of a cross between X-Men and Lord of the Flies.  All adults have disappeared and a mysterious barrier cuts off a 20 mile radius in which the children live from the rest of the world.  For some reason I thought I had read that this was going to be a trilogy so I was all set to read the final installment.  Alas, I was sadly mistaken.  This was merely a transitional story, albeit an intriguing and interesting one, but transitional nonetheless.  It was sort of like one of those episodes of Lost where the producers realized the audience wasn’t reacting well to something they had introduced (Nikki and Paulo, the ‘temple’, the polar bears) so the characters that got the least audience reaction were explained out of the future books and new ones were introduced.  Lies is definitely worth it.  It’s the smallest of the three so far and a very easy read, but a little bit nauseating at times.  By this book some of the kids have grown desperate and are living at extremes; some are cannibalistic, some are murderous, some live in constant fear, and others are struggling with the need/desire to step up and be a leader/dictator to a group of hopeless children (some of whom have superpowers).  This story was really the first one that made the reader feel a sense of hopelessness.  The first two books were about the children getting organized and settled and dealing with the differences and maturity of their new lives.  Now 7 months after the adults have disappeared we see that although these are children, they’re problems are grown-up.  Many have decided that the only way out of this horrible new world is death, others have decided that the only way it can be bearable is if they control everyone.  These reactions are things I can picture adults doing and for that reason I picture these kids a college age young adults as opposed to the 15 year olds the author wrote them to be.  If you haven’t started this series yet, you should.

Eragon– Christopher Paolini.  I asked for this trilogy for Christmas two years ago because I felt like I was supposed to really like them.  It seemed that most Harry Potter fans had read these and that many fans of Lord of the Rings had, too.  In case you were wondering, a sense of obligation is not as effective a motivator as a genuine interest in the book.  This has been sitting on my bookshelf for a year and a half and I always though ‘I should read those’ but something else would spark my interest and I’d read it instead.  HOWEVER!!!  I did finally read it and it was as good as people have told me.  It is more like Lord of the Rings than Harry Potter, but I still loved it (yes, I meant that to imply that I’m not a super huge fan of the Rings books).  There were times the plot dragged a little bit and there were definitely time that I got completely confused with all the strange names and places but I managed to make sense of it all when it mattered.  The map on the inside of the jacket cover came in handy many times!  The story is about a young orphan (Eragon) being raised by his uncle, who finds a dragon egg which later hatches.  In this fantasy world Dragons are so rare that they are often thought to be extinct or entirely mythical, so Eragon does not know what to do with this baby dragon.  The evil king sends henchmen to retrieve the egg, but Eragon and the dragon are in the woods when they come.  To send their message, the henchmen burn Eragon’s home to the ground and kill his uncle in the process.  The town storyteller, on old man named Brom, tells Eragon that they must leave with the Dragon.  The rest of the story is about their travels through the country searching out these messengers of the king.  Naturally the come up against unexpected foes and discover information that changes their mission.  It took me a little while to get into this story and parts of their travels bored me a little, but overall this is a great book.  I’m about halfway through the second one now and I think I like it even better.

I have eaten waaaaay too much Brie cheese in the last two weeks.

I realized that I have only seen one move this year in the theater.  This makes me unreasonably sad.

I’m more excited for Memorial Day weekend than any sane person should be!

I’ve been constantly cold for like 3 days.  On a related note, this is FL and it is 85 outside.  I have no explanation for this anomaly.

This Saturday will be the first in a month and last for a month that I have free time.  I’ve gotten used to doing things on my own, but I’d love some company for any part of the day (except the sleeping).  Here are my goals:

1. Sleep in

2. Spend the majority of the sunny hours at the beach

3. Shop for an outfit to wear to Spring Awakening the next weekend

4. Try the new Salt Life restaurant at the beach

In case you haven’t heard, there is now a Broadway musical called “American Idiot” that is comprised entirely of Green Day songs.  I’m rather ambivalent about Green Day’s music so I haven’t been in a huge rush to check it out.  Since one of my favorite stage voices is in it and the play is up for a couple Tonys I decided to give it a try.  If you’re interested check out the Broadway cast version of 21 Guns.  Just plain awesome.


Home, part deux April 17, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings,TV — luckbear114 @ 11:27 pm

The offer I put in on the townhome last week was met by a counter offer from the seller.  They went down on their asking price by about $7,000.  This is quite normal and expected.  So I went up about $10,000 to try meeting them in the middle of my first offer and their first asking price.  They countered that offer…by raising the asking price back up another $2,500.  At first I thought they were just confused about how to perform a negotiation, but it appears they don’t want to lose any money, so they don’t want to go below their original asking price by more than a few thousand.  BTW, their original asking price is about $20,000 over market value.  Surely they realize that selling their home in this market means they will lose money.  Anyway, I don’t have time to wait around for them to decide that they will accept a loss to not keep paying a mortgage they don’t want.

Today I went looking at some single family homes.  I hadn’t been considering these before now because there aren’t very many single family homes in the Southside that are in my price range.  I expanded my search to the Ft. Caroline and ICW areas and found a house that I really like.  It’s a little smaller than the townhomes, but it doesn’t have a $200/month HOA fee, has a two car garage, tiled patio, built in bookshelves, fenced backyard, hardwood floors and a front porch.  It’s absolutely ideal for a dog!!!!!!!!  I put an offer in on it today, so I should be hearing back about that pretty soon.

One house we went to look at had so much termite damage there were holes in the walls and it looked like the windowsills had exploded.  These were things the listing agent didn’t seem to think we would want to know about before driving out to the house and wasting our time.

I. am. tired.

Also, I am THRILLED that Jonathan Groff AND Idina Menzel are on Glee this season.  It’s like all my dreams are coming true thanks to one television show.  Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris will be on it…that’s like the cherry on top.

I have finally gotten around to starting the Eragon series!  It’s been sitting on my shelf for a year now and I keep meaning to read the books, but I always forget about them when I’m picking out a new book.  Anyway, I’m about halfway through the first one and I really like it so far.

I went to three different places this week to find a bottle of Seven Daughters.  I never actually found it, but I have ruled out three more places that don’t carry it.  I know the Super Target has it, but I keep hoping I’ll find it somewhere that isn’t 30 minutes out of my way.


Homes, Heroines and Harry April 10, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings — luckbear114 @ 8:11 pm

I’ve put an offer in on a townhome that I am IN LOVE with.  It’s in the same neighborhood as the one I was trying to offer on last week, but they accepted someone else’s offer literally hours before the bank approved mine.  Keep this one in your prayers cause its almost everything I want and is so much closer to work than I am now.  If it works out I’ll post the pictures and things, but I feel like I’d be jinxing it if I did that now.  Please please please think positively for me!!!!!!!

Northanger Abbey– Jane Austen.  I finally finished it! I absolutely loved it.  I haven’t read Emma in awhile, but I think this might rival it as my second favorite Jane Austen novel.  The ‘heroine’ of this story is Catherine Morland and she’s waited her entire life to actually live a ‘heroine’s life.’ I absolutely adored this character.  She was probably the most like myself of any character I’ve read.  She’s a bit of a dreamer, but squelches those dreams by viewing life in a very straightforward way.  The secret motives of people who do or say one thing while meaning another are foreign and incomprehensible to her.  While in Bath with friends, she becomes close with a silly flirt of a girl named Isabella who falls in love with Catherine’s brother James.  Isabella’s brother has convinced himself that Catherine loves him, but she actually is infatuated with another boy named Henry Tilney (yes, this might become a future dog’s name for my list).  This is by far Austen’s most sarcastic novel and the funniest, in my opinion.  If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you do.  I’m going to try to find a nice copy of it since the one I got was $2 from Chamblin’s.






Now about Harry Potter!!!!!!!!  It opens June 18th, which is a Friday.  I was thinking that the best way for us to do this will be to stay on Thursday and Friday nights and do the parks on Friday and Saturday or just on Friday.  The park plan is up to y’all.  My sister and I are going to buy annual passes which means that we can get a 15% discount on all the other tickets.  The regular prices for the tickets are $79 for one day and $109 for two days.  If we want ‘skip the line passes’ it’s another $20/day.  Here’s the link to check out tickets: http://www.universalorlando.com/Tickets/tickets_2.aspx

At the suggestion of one of my friends, I’ve looked into the Hyatt Universal and I think it will be our best option.  The hotel is a quarter mile from the park and the rooms are big enough to sleep 5 or maybe 6.  The rates are half what the Universal hotels are, so that makes it more affordable.  If we slept 5 to a room for two nights it will be about $50 each.  Sometime next month I’m going to book the room(s).   So far I know we need one room for sure for Amanda, Devon, Kyla, my sister and me.  Depending on who else comes, we’ll get a second room.  Here’s the link to the hotel room if you’d like to check it out: http://orlandouniversal.place.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/place/reservations.jsp?start=3

I know we’ll be coming from all over the state, but I’m probably going to borrow the Durango so we can all drive around together once we are there.  Also, if you “out of towners” want to come to Jax for a day or two before we go, we can all drive down together.  I know I’m probably a bit too early to be planning all this, but it’s really only about 8 weeks away and I can’t stand planning things at the last second if it can be helped.  Also, I’ll hopefully be busy with closing on a house and moving between now and then, so I’m trying to get my ducks all in a row in anticipation of being super busy in the coming weeks. 🙂


Homeowner!?!?!?! March 31, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings — luckbear114 @ 6:44 pm

I’m meeting with a realtor on Friday to look at some homes.  I have no idea if this is a good or bad idea.  Maybe both at the same time?

I’m really stressed out right now.  I have a lot going on and the Easter musical we’re doing at church isn’t helping any.  I am really glad to be getting back into music.  I was incredibly surprised at how bad I’ve become at reading music and the like.  However, four practices in one week is beyond ridiculous.  There is absolutely no need for that.  I just want to get to Monday.  I feel like my life will get back to normal and I can’t wait for that.

I am 2 episodes behind in Lost and that stresses me out.

I’ve been two chapter shy of finishing Northanger Abbey for about a week now. I am bound and determined to finish it tonight.

Possibly the most stressful thing in my life right now: I am constantly bothered by the thought that my iTunes music isn’t well organized.

I need to get to Chamblin’s soon.  I have a bag of books to trade in.  Speaking of books…the last in the ‘Gone’ series comes out the first week of May.

Bahama Breeze at the Town Center is open and amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

Wizarding World of Harry Potter officially opens June 18th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know a couple of y’all texted me back when I texted you, but I can’t keep things straight that way.  So we can either do the planning here or via email.  I plan to go on the 18th…and the week or two before that for the soft opening.  If 6/18 is too soon for the two of you who have to travel all the way across the country, we can pick another weekend to all go.  There’s a great hotel that sleeps 5 per room and has a shuttle to the park so we don’t have to pay parking.  It’s roughly $100/night.  So if we stay 2 nights its still only $40 each.  Y’all just let me know who for sure is going and when and I’ll book the room(s).


There’s no need to call me ‘Sir’, Professor. March 20, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings,OMG! That is ridiculously RANDOM! — luckbear114 @ 10:19 pm

First things first: Spring is here!!!!!  Today is officially the first day of spring and it was the nicest day we’ve had in Jacksonville for a looooong time.  It’s supposed to get pretty crappy again tomorrow, so I tried to enjoy it today.  I went to the Art Market in Riverside and had a great time.  Then I went to Zoe’s and picked up some chicken salad…which is meat, I know, but I can’t pass it up.  I get Zoe’s so rarely because I’m not very often near one.

Speaking of Spring 2010…Wizarding World of Harry Potter is supposed to be opening very soon.  I’m going to call on Monday to see if they can give me anything more specific than what’s on the website, but I need to know who can go and when.  I’m wide open and can go anytime, so everyone just reply to this or we can start an email chain or something.  The obvious restrictions are that we need to go while Dev and Kyla are both in FL, Amanda is done with school and not doing camp, and on a Friday-Monday or any combination of those days so Mandy and I don’t have to take too many days off work.  So y’all start throwing out some dates and when we get that part figured out I’ll start looking at prices and such.

Yesterday was the first day I tried jogging one of my two laps at the park.  It didn’t really go very well.  I managed to jog in short bursts of about a quarter of a mile before I’d start walking again.  I’m going to attribute this to the fact that I was unable to go to the park two days this past week because of the rain and one day because I didn’t get out of the office in time before I had to be at something for church.  So I only got to go twice last week.  I think this week will only have one day that I can’t go because….

The Accountant and I are going to J.J.’s Bistro!!  Y’all remember that French restaurant that I was always trying to talk people into trying?  Accountant and I went with some other guys from work and it was great.  The place is adorable, first of all.  The menu was authentically French and really diverse.  And the pastries…..OH! the pastries.  They were AMAZING!  So we’re going to try it again this week for dinner.

The Killer’s Cousin– Nancy Werlin.  This author also wrote Impossible which I wrote about a few posts ago.  So I bought this book at Chamblin’s last time I was there.  It had won the Edgar Award and I took this to be a good indicator that the book would be interesting.  The last Edgar Award winning book I read was In the Woods and I absolutely loved that.  Alas, this is not the best indicator of the quality of a book.  Cousin lacks almost everything you need to keep a story entertaining.  The character was angry with himself and purposely cutting himself off from the people around him, including the reader.  I have read one or two books where this type of behavior by a character fits nicely into the plot, but this was not one of those books.  The plot was….I don’t know how to explain it except to say that it was ‘lacking’.  There was information that really should have been presented earlier in the story and parts that were never resolved (not the kind of resolved like ‘a mystery for the readers to determine’).  I don’t want to spoil the ending, but since I doubt y’all will read it, I’m going to.   One of the characters unintentionally killed someone, another consciously and premeditatedly killed someone, but in the end of the story you were supposed to feel pity and forgiveness for both.  I felt neither emotion for neither character.  On a grading scale, this book would be a D.

Funny things my iPhone has changed while I was texting:

“I’m going jogging” to “I’m going hugging”

“If I hear, I’ll let you know”  to “If I jeer, I’ll let you know”

The greatest feeling in the world might be opening a new jar of peanut butter and slicing your knife through it.  There’s just something about that perfectly smooth peanut butter that makes it such a cool moment in time.


Hey Soul Sister! March 13, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings,Movies — luckbear114 @ 8:59 pm

I was ready to write a few sentences apologizing for not being better at keeping up with my blog, but it seems like I’m actually ahead of the curve!  Why isn’t anyone ever updating!?!?!?!

I’ve read a couple books and seen a couple movies since I last posted anything.  Also, my new obsession is shoes.  I have to stop going to DSW or I’m going to drive myself to bankruptcy before the end of the summer.  With that said, here a few pictures of some of my most recent shoe purchases.

On to the books!!!!

Lady Susan– Jane Austen.  This is one of the lesser known Jane Austen tales because it’s a novella.  It’s told as a collection of letters passed between the characters involved.  It centers around….surprise!  Lady Susan, a recently widowed mother of a teenage girl.  After disgracing herself by getting a bit too familiar with a married man while spending the season with friends, she is forced to leave quickly and goes to visit her brother and his wife and children.  Lady Susan is not a favorite of her sister-in-law since she tried to keep her brother from marrying her in the first place.  The wife’s brother comes to visit and chaos ensues.  I love pretty much anything Austen wrote (I say ‘pretty much’ because there’s always Mansfield Park), but this was one of the funniest of all her stories.  I think this is mostly due to the fact that there isn’t an ambiguous and neutral narrator.  Lady Susan’s complete and utter misconception of herself is one of the things I found most entertaining.








Captivate- Carrie Jones.  This was the sequel to a book I read last year called Need.  When I saw this one (thanks to Amazon’s suggestions) I had a hard time remembering the plot of Need other than to recall that it was about fairies (just like every other book lately), it took place in Maine and I really liked the male hero, who happened to be a werewolf (again, like every other book lately).  It  wasn’t a problem that this was all I remembered.  Long and short of this one is that it just plan isn’t very good.  The writing stinks and I thought about giving up and quiting about 4 different times, but I can’t stand not finishing a book. I kept reading and got lucky that there was a little bit of a plot twist towards the end, but not enough to make it worth it.  I don’t think we ever passed Need around when I read it.  If we did and one of you did read it, I’d suggest waiting to read this one until the third comes out.  I volunteer to read it first and tell you if you should just be happy with the ending of the first one or not.





Movies I saw: The Informant and Alice in Wonderland.  The Informant is definitely worth a redbox rental.  I thought it was really funny, but it was very, very, very random humor and some of it was related to business politics and finances, so I don’t know that this is a funny one to the masses, but I’m glad I watched it.  Alice in Wonderland was……ummm….loooooooong.  It was cool looking and the 3-D kept it from getting too boring, but I’m not thrilled about it. The plot felt really choppy and I had this unnerving feeling that I had missed some major plot point that would have filled in a lot of gaps.  I liked it, didn’t love it.  And really didn’t like Anne Hathaway in it.

New things I love/have rediscovered my love for:

Ulta Ultimate Pout Lip Plumper

The Good Wife on CBS

Bubble baths

Zoe’s Kitchen Chicken Salad

Hersey’s Kisses with coconut filling

Ed Austin city park


I’ve started walking at least 3 days a week after work. Ed Austin has a walking trail that is 1.75 miles around one time.  So far I’m walking twice around.  My goal by the end of this month to be able to jog one of those and walk the other.  By mid-April I hope to be jogging both laps.  I can’t believe how out of shape I’ve gotten that I can’t jog once around already.  I’m also doing a vegetarian thing for now, just to help kick-start better eating choices.  Obviously, not eating meat rules out nearly all fast food, so that forces me to take the time to eat things that are better for me and to save money by packing my lunch.  I’ve been eating that way for about 4 weeks now and I’m feeling pretty great.

Today I went shopping with the goal of finding a navy dress to wear with my new navy and green heels.  I didn’t have much success in that department, but I did find a pair of Michael Kors jeans that were $130 and were marked down to $12.  Naturally, I felt that it would be irresponsible to not take advantage of this amazing deal.  So I took full advantage.

That’s about it.  Y’all need to update your blogs!!!!!!


Paul was a real estate novelist February 11, 2010

Filed under: Life Happenings,OMG! That is ridiculously RANDOM! — luckbear114 @ 6:50 pm

I have recently decided to amend my feelings about marriage.  Although I have never been against marriage in general (complete opposite, really), I was sort of against it for me.  I don’t know why, maybe just cause I haven’t ever really been in the right place in life to be ready for it and I thought maybe I’d be happy if I never was.  I’d still be happy if it doesn’t happen for me, but for whatever reason I have recently decided that I would be perfectly happy if that is what’s in store for me at some point (still not anytime soon, though).  I know this seems weird, but I have decided that I like the idea of marriage given the following conditions:

  • There must be a second bedroom.  It can be a guest bedroom on a regular basis, but it needs to be there so I can sleep in it when I feel like it.
  • There must be a designated space for me to go to do anything musical or crafty without being observed or disrupted.  This is my “me” time.  It can be in the “guest” room, I’m not high maintenance enough to demand two separate personal spaces…….but I wouldn’t say no to that either.
  • I’m not folding my husbands laundry.  I hate folding my own and just because I marry someone doesn’t mean I want to take on double laundry folding duties.
  • Finances are combined.  There can’t be any “this is mine” and “this is yours”.  When you live that way you do not have a spouse, you have a roommate that you get to do spouse-ish things with when you want without worrying.  Ya’ll know what I’m talking about.
  • I do not take requests for dinner menus unless it is a special occasion.
  • Adoption must be a viable option if children are in the picture at some point.  I don’t particularly relish the idea of ever giving birth to a kiddo.  Perhaps my feelings on this will change at some point, but that can’t be counted on.  Even if I DO possibly have one, I still want to be open to adopting one.
  • If we do have kids than whoever is driving them around gets to drive the better car.  There’s always a “better” car in every marriage…that one goes to whoever is driving kids around.  If there are no kids, I always get the better car by default.  There’s not much of a chance that I’ll ever marry anyone who loves cars more than I do anyway, so this seems very logical and fair.
  • Christmas is spent with my family.  I may be willing to make a concession and spent every 4th or 5th Christmas with his family.
  • I will have all my dogs and they will all be named after my favorite literary men.  There is no compromise here.  If he has a dog when we get married, he must rename it to match the theme.
  • I will not have a wedding.  It will be like a family elopement.  There will obviously be a marriage ceremony, but it will be 30 people MAXIMUM.  There are 20 people in my immediate family, so………
  • Whoever I marry must (not listed in order of importance):
  1. Be musically open-minded
  2. Love Jesus
  3. Hate cats
  4. Never eat olives
  5. Love football
  6. Have his own friends
  7. Have nice hands……..and preferably all or  most of my 12 features.

When I started writing this I thought there might be 2 or 3 conditions, but I think this is starting to look more like a business proposition than I intended.  And here I was thinking I’d write something sweet and romantic in celebration of Valentine’s Day!!!  Oh, well……….

On an unrelated note, has anyone but me ever wondered what a “real estate novelist” is?  Well I was listening to the song and decided to look it up.  I found an interview with Billy and here’s what he said:

It’s an invented phrase. When I was working in a piano bar in L.A., around ’72, everybody came and dumped their day on you. Paul was a real-estate broker, and he would say, “I’m working on this book.” But he was there every night, crocked out of his skull, and I would think, “How’s this guy getting any writing done, unless he’s doing the F. Scott Fitzgerald bit: knock out a couple of things when he first gets up, after the coffee buzz, and then start drinkin’. ” Maybe he was like the guy in The Shining, and he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.

-From Blender magazine. 7/15/2001 http://www.blender.com/guide/66688/dear-superstar-billy-joel.html

As time goes by…. January 27, 2010

Filed under: Life Happenings — luckbear114 @ 10:23 pm

Time is literally going faster than I can keep up.  I honestly thought the last post I wrote was last week, but it was 2 weeks ago!!!  I’ve been so busy lately that I’m losing track of not only time, but entire days.  I feel like I’m on the verge of living to work instead of working to live.  yaaaaawwwnn…..

Office drama: My boss is 100% having an affair with the girl from Accountant’s department.  Yesterday at lunch Accountant asked me if Boss was taking today off because the girl was.  I said “No way, he never even takes days off, even when they tell him he has to.”  Around 3:00 we had our team meeting and Boss casually says “since I won’t be here tomorrow…” I pinged Accountant as soon as the meeting was out.  I mean, that is just too much to be a coincidence.  He hasn’t taken a single day off since I started working there. More than one person mentioned how “ironic” it was that they were both out of the office on the same day.  You know its obvious when people who work in departments other than your own start making little comments like that.

One day last week (don’t ask me which, they’re all a blur) Accountant was trying to get Stapler Guy’s (the “wild goose chase” guy) attention.  They sit next to each other with nothing more than a 4 foot tall partition between them.  Most of us just call out to each other when we have questions because it is so easy to hear each other.  So Accountant says “Stapler Guy” (except she used his real name, of course) and there is no response.  So she calls his name a little more loudly.  Then again, even more loudly.  By the fourth time she said his name people are popping up out of their little cubicles like groundhogs.  Everyone kept watching as she said his name again……and again……..and again……..and one final time.  At this point she is standing at the cubicle wall, looking into his little square and calling him from less than 2 feet away with no success.  Yall may have thought I was joking when I said that he wears those 70s style AM/FM headphones 24/7, but now you can see that I am in fact not joking.  He doesn’t take them off and you have to throw things or wave your hands like a maniac to get his attention.  The best part was that by the time he finally did acknowledge Accountant, there were at least 12 people watching over their own cubicle walls.   I have got to find a way to take a sneaky picture for you…….

Weird tidbit: I keep getting this phantom sensation in my leg.  It feels like I sat in something warm and it lasts for like 5 minutes.  I keep touching it when it gets hot, but there’s nothing there.  No rash, no spills, nothing at all.  It’s really bizarre.

Happy note: I am apparently awesome at Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the Wii.  Please bask in my glory and ignore the fact that the game was created for 12 year olds to beat.