Of All Sad Words of Tongue or Pen…

Cross-country keeping up

The hunt continues…. May 29, 2010

Filed under: Life Happenings — luckbear114 @ 8:42 pm

I took yesterday off work to go do some serious house hunting.  I’ve taken a couple weeks off and just watched the market, so my realtor and I felt confident that we now had a list of several good contenders.  My future roomie came with me to be my second set of eyes.  Here are the houses we saw, in order:

1. A house with a mold problem

2. A house that smelled like the inside of a port-a-potty

3. A house with green carpet and green painted trim throughout

4. A house that someone had clearly been shot in but the selling agent had completely ignoring the law about bio-hazard cleaning and warnings

5. A house that clearly houses chain-smoking hoarders

I’m sure the question going through your mind right now is Where on earth is she trying to buy a home?  The ghetto? The answer is no, I am not looking for a house in the ghetto.  I’m looking in neighborhoods on Kernan, Hodges and Beach Blvds.  And this is what it has to offer me.  I am getting frustrated beyond what I am able to express.  I am still certain that buying is the best option for me and I am not in a hurry, but I am a little disappointed.  However, I refuse to let that disappointment lead me to buy a house that I otherwise wouldn’t just because it is there and I dislike it the least.  I’m in a good position because neither me nor my roomie are under any time restrictions.

I have diagrammed the Harry Potter driving plans and I’ve created an itinerary with as few contingencies as possible.  I would like to eliminate those contingencies, though.  To do this I need to know Kathryn and Amanda’s plans.  I will try contacting them tomorrow and email the driving diagram, general itinerary and park specific itineraries once I’m confident that the contingencies are as few and low-impact as possible.

I am literally counting the days until that weekend!!!!!!!!  I can’t wait to see y’all!


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