Of All Sad Words of Tongue or Pen…

Cross-country keeping up

Turn Around Bright Eyes May 10, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings,Uncategorized — luckbear114 @ 8:06 pm

Before I begin anything else I must state this complete and infallible truth: Tuesdays evenings from 9-10 is the best hour of my week because of Glee. This is the only show that I watch regularly and of which I have not missed a single episode.  Total Eclipse of the Heart has been stuck in my head since I watched Glee last week.  This is the last song anyone should ever have stuck in their head…

Houses!  Ugh, I’m 100% over it, but I have to live somewhere so I have to keep looking.  I’ve put in offers on 4 different homes now and each one has not gone through for completely different reasons.  I’m looking at one tomorrow, but I’m not very hopeful about it, to be honest.

I haven’t found my glasses.  They’ve been missing for over 2 months.  I suppose it’s time to face the inevitable: they are lost forever.  If this house doesn’t work out tomorrow I’m going to put the house buying thing on hold for a month or so.  I have too many things coming up that I need to spend my money on.  Mostly I just mean glasses and Harry Potter weekend, naturally.

I haven’t been reading very much since the last blog I wrote.  I’ve only finished two books and I’m in the middle of a third which is a sequel to one of the others.  So let’s get down to it!!

Lies– Michael Grant.  This is the third book in the GONE series.  In case you haven’t read them, these books are sort of a cross between X-Men and Lord of the Flies.  All adults have disappeared and a mysterious barrier cuts off a 20 mile radius in which the children live from the rest of the world.  For some reason I thought I had read that this was going to be a trilogy so I was all set to read the final installment.  Alas, I was sadly mistaken.  This was merely a transitional story, albeit an intriguing and interesting one, but transitional nonetheless.  It was sort of like one of those episodes of Lost where the producers realized the audience wasn’t reacting well to something they had introduced (Nikki and Paulo, the ‘temple’, the polar bears) so the characters that got the least audience reaction were explained out of the future books and new ones were introduced.  Lies is definitely worth it.  It’s the smallest of the three so far and a very easy read, but a little bit nauseating at times.  By this book some of the kids have grown desperate and are living at extremes; some are cannibalistic, some are murderous, some live in constant fear, and others are struggling with the need/desire to step up and be a leader/dictator to a group of hopeless children (some of whom have superpowers).  This story was really the first one that made the reader feel a sense of hopelessness.  The first two books were about the children getting organized and settled and dealing with the differences and maturity of their new lives.  Now 7 months after the adults have disappeared we see that although these are children, they’re problems are grown-up.  Many have decided that the only way out of this horrible new world is death, others have decided that the only way it can be bearable is if they control everyone.  These reactions are things I can picture adults doing and for that reason I picture these kids a college age young adults as opposed to the 15 year olds the author wrote them to be.  If you haven’t started this series yet, you should.

Eragon– Christopher Paolini.  I asked for this trilogy for Christmas two years ago because I felt like I was supposed to really like them.  It seemed that most Harry Potter fans had read these and that many fans of Lord of the Rings had, too.  In case you were wondering, a sense of obligation is not as effective a motivator as a genuine interest in the book.  This has been sitting on my bookshelf for a year and a half and I always though ‘I should read those’ but something else would spark my interest and I’d read it instead.  HOWEVER!!!  I did finally read it and it was as good as people have told me.  It is more like Lord of the Rings than Harry Potter, but I still loved it (yes, I meant that to imply that I’m not a super huge fan of the Rings books).  There were times the plot dragged a little bit and there were definitely time that I got completely confused with all the strange names and places but I managed to make sense of it all when it mattered.  The map on the inside of the jacket cover came in handy many times!  The story is about a young orphan (Eragon) being raised by his uncle, who finds a dragon egg which later hatches.  In this fantasy world Dragons are so rare that they are often thought to be extinct or entirely mythical, so Eragon does not know what to do with this baby dragon.  The evil king sends henchmen to retrieve the egg, but Eragon and the dragon are in the woods when they come.  To send their message, the henchmen burn Eragon’s home to the ground and kill his uncle in the process.  The town storyteller, on old man named Brom, tells Eragon that they must leave with the Dragon.  The rest of the story is about their travels through the country searching out these messengers of the king.  Naturally the come up against unexpected foes and discover information that changes their mission.  It took me a little while to get into this story and parts of their travels bored me a little, but overall this is a great book.  I’m about halfway through the second one now and I think I like it even better.

I have eaten waaaaay too much Brie cheese in the last two weeks.

I realized that I have only seen one move this year in the theater.  This makes me unreasonably sad.

I’m more excited for Memorial Day weekend than any sane person should be!

I’ve been constantly cold for like 3 days.  On a related note, this is FL and it is 85 outside.  I have no explanation for this anomaly.

This Saturday will be the first in a month and last for a month that I have free time.  I’ve gotten used to doing things on my own, but I’d love some company for any part of the day (except the sleeping).  Here are my goals:

1. Sleep in

2. Spend the majority of the sunny hours at the beach

3. Shop for an outfit to wear to Spring Awakening the next weekend

4. Try the new Salt Life restaurant at the beach

In case you haven’t heard, there is now a Broadway musical called “American Idiot” that is comprised entirely of Green Day songs.  I’m rather ambivalent about Green Day’s music so I haven’t been in a huge rush to check it out.  Since one of my favorite stage voices is in it and the play is up for a couple Tonys I decided to give it a try.  If you’re interested check out the Broadway cast version of 21 Guns.  Just plain awesome.