Of All Sad Words of Tongue or Pen…

Cross-country keeping up

Home, part deux April 17, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings,TV — luckbear114 @ 11:27 pm

The offer I put in on the townhome last week was met by a counter offer from the seller.  They went down on their asking price by about $7,000.  This is quite normal and expected.  So I went up about $10,000 to try meeting them in the middle of my first offer and their first asking price.  They countered that offer…by raising the asking price back up another $2,500.  At first I thought they were just confused about how to perform a negotiation, but it appears they don’t want to lose any money, so they don’t want to go below their original asking price by more than a few thousand.  BTW, their original asking price is about $20,000 over market value.  Surely they realize that selling their home in this market means they will lose money.  Anyway, I don’t have time to wait around for them to decide that they will accept a loss to not keep paying a mortgage they don’t want.

Today I went looking at some single family homes.  I hadn’t been considering these before now because there aren’t very many single family homes in the Southside that are in my price range.  I expanded my search to the Ft. Caroline and ICW areas and found a house that I really like.  It’s a little smaller than the townhomes, but it doesn’t have a $200/month HOA fee, has a two car garage, tiled patio, built in bookshelves, fenced backyard, hardwood floors and a front porch.  It’s absolutely ideal for a dog!!!!!!!!  I put an offer in on it today, so I should be hearing back about that pretty soon.

One house we went to look at had so much termite damage there were holes in the walls and it looked like the windowsills had exploded.  These were things the listing agent didn’t seem to think we would want to know about before driving out to the house and wasting our time.

I. am. tired.

Also, I am THRILLED that Jonathan Groff AND Idina Menzel are on Glee this season.  It’s like all my dreams are coming true thanks to one television show.  Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris will be on it…that’s like the cherry on top.

I have finally gotten around to starting the Eragon series!  It’s been sitting on my shelf for a year now and I keep meaning to read the books, but I always forget about them when I’m picking out a new book.  Anyway, I’m about halfway through the first one and I really like it so far.

I went to three different places this week to find a bottle of Seven Daughters.  I never actually found it, but I have ruled out three more places that don’t carry it.  I know the Super Target has it, but I keep hoping I’ll find it somewhere that isn’t 30 minutes out of my way.