Of All Sad Words of Tongue or Pen…

Cross-country keeping up

Hey Soul Sister! March 13, 2010

Filed under: Books,Life Happenings,Movies — luckbear114 @ 8:59 pm

I was ready to write a few sentences apologizing for not being better at keeping up with my blog, but it seems like I’m actually ahead of the curve!  Why isn’t anyone ever updating!?!?!?!

I’ve read a couple books and seen a couple movies since I last posted anything.  Also, my new obsession is shoes.  I have to stop going to DSW or I’m going to drive myself to bankruptcy before the end of the summer.  With that said, here a few pictures of some of my most recent shoe purchases.

On to the books!!!!

Lady Susan– Jane Austen.  This is one of the lesser known Jane Austen tales because it’s a novella.  It’s told as a collection of letters passed between the characters involved.  It centers around….surprise!  Lady Susan, a recently widowed mother of a teenage girl.  After disgracing herself by getting a bit too familiar with a married man while spending the season with friends, she is forced to leave quickly and goes to visit her brother and his wife and children.  Lady Susan is not a favorite of her sister-in-law since she tried to keep her brother from marrying her in the first place.  The wife’s brother comes to visit and chaos ensues.  I love pretty much anything Austen wrote (I say ‘pretty much’ because there’s always Mansfield Park), but this was one of the funniest of all her stories.  I think this is mostly due to the fact that there isn’t an ambiguous and neutral narrator.  Lady Susan’s complete and utter misconception of herself is one of the things I found most entertaining.








Captivate- Carrie Jones.  This was the sequel to a book I read last year called Need.  When I saw this one (thanks to Amazon’s suggestions) I had a hard time remembering the plot of Need other than to recall that it was about fairies (just like every other book lately), it took place in Maine and I really liked the male hero, who happened to be a werewolf (again, like every other book lately).  It  wasn’t a problem that this was all I remembered.  Long and short of this one is that it just plan isn’t very good.  The writing stinks and I thought about giving up and quiting about 4 different times, but I can’t stand not finishing a book. I kept reading and got lucky that there was a little bit of a plot twist towards the end, but not enough to make it worth it.  I don’t think we ever passed Need around when I read it.  If we did and one of you did read it, I’d suggest waiting to read this one until the third comes out.  I volunteer to read it first and tell you if you should just be happy with the ending of the first one or not.





Movies I saw: The Informant and Alice in Wonderland.  The Informant is definitely worth a redbox rental.  I thought it was really funny, but it was very, very, very random humor and some of it was related to business politics and finances, so I don’t know that this is a funny one to the masses, but I’m glad I watched it.  Alice in Wonderland was……ummm….loooooooong.  It was cool looking and the 3-D kept it from getting too boring, but I’m not thrilled about it. The plot felt really choppy and I had this unnerving feeling that I had missed some major plot point that would have filled in a lot of gaps.  I liked it, didn’t love it.  And really didn’t like Anne Hathaway in it.

New things I love/have rediscovered my love for:

Ulta Ultimate Pout Lip Plumper

The Good Wife on CBS

Bubble baths

Zoe’s Kitchen Chicken Salad

Hersey’s Kisses with coconut filling

Ed Austin city park


I’ve started walking at least 3 days a week after work. Ed Austin has a walking trail that is 1.75 miles around one time.  So far I’m walking twice around.  My goal by the end of this month to be able to jog one of those and walk the other.  By mid-April I hope to be jogging both laps.  I can’t believe how out of shape I’ve gotten that I can’t jog once around already.  I’m also doing a vegetarian thing for now, just to help kick-start better eating choices.  Obviously, not eating meat rules out nearly all fast food, so that forces me to take the time to eat things that are better for me and to save money by packing my lunch.  I’ve been eating that way for about 4 weeks now and I’m feeling pretty great.

Today I went shopping with the goal of finding a navy dress to wear with my new navy and green heels.  I didn’t have much success in that department, but I did find a pair of Michael Kors jeans that were $130 and were marked down to $12.  Naturally, I felt that it would be irresponsible to not take advantage of this amazing deal.  So I took full advantage.

That’s about it.  Y’all need to update your blogs!!!!!!


6 Responses to “Hey Soul Sister!”

  1. Lauren Says:

    I think navy dresses are popular later in the season. Nice deal on the jeans!

  2. abyssinian maid Says:

    AH!!!!! LOVE the first pair, probably my favorite. And I have been updating thankyouverymuch.

  3. asightforsoreeyes Says:

    Shoes. How I miss shopping for them. However, I think spring may mean that I need new ones… 🙂

    Also, I recognize those books – the awful ones. I can’t remember if I READ the first one or just if I was looking at them in the book store.

    If you had written “Hey Sole Sister” as the title of your blog, you would have been very punny.

    That’s awesome that you are being all healthy and on top of things! I’ve thought about doing a vegetarian theme for like a week, just so I eat more veggies, but I love meat and really need the iron and protein, so that failed. But good on ya.

    Anne Hathaway was super creepy in Alice. Major Dislike. The visuals were super stunning. I love pretty movies. I’m a bit torn on it. I saw it in the drive-in so I couldn’t hear at the very beginning whilst people were still being loud. So I felt like I was missing something, but I thought I really had. Maybe that was just the movie though..hmm….

  4. Teresa Says:

    Lady Susan as well as some other of Austens “juvenalia” are often very funny and should not be overlooked – work like “Lesley Castle” or “The Three Sisters” have some LOL lines proving Jane Austen had a great sense of humor even as a young girl. A few months ago I read a new book Lady Vernon and Her Daughter that was an adaptation of Lady Susan. Very well done with a very authentic Austen tone and the same way of turning a humorous phrase.
    Oh and love the grey flats – way cool.

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