Of All Sad Words of Tongue or Pen…

Cross-country keeping up

As time goes by…. January 27, 2010

Filed under: Life Happenings — luckbear114 @ 10:23 pm

Time is literally going faster than I can keep up.  I honestly thought the last post I wrote was last week, but it was 2 weeks ago!!!  I’ve been so busy lately that I’m losing track of not only time, but entire days.  I feel like I’m on the verge of living to work instead of working to live.  yaaaaawwwnn…..

Office drama: My boss is 100% having an affair with the girl from Accountant’s department.  Yesterday at lunch Accountant asked me if Boss was taking today off because the girl was.  I said “No way, he never even takes days off, even when they tell him he has to.”  Around 3:00 we had our team meeting and Boss casually says “since I won’t be here tomorrow…” I pinged Accountant as soon as the meeting was out.  I mean, that is just too much to be a coincidence.  He hasn’t taken a single day off since I started working there. More than one person mentioned how “ironic” it was that they were both out of the office on the same day.  You know its obvious when people who work in departments other than your own start making little comments like that.

One day last week (don’t ask me which, they’re all a blur) Accountant was trying to get Stapler Guy’s (the “wild goose chase” guy) attention.  They sit next to each other with nothing more than a 4 foot tall partition between them.  Most of us just call out to each other when we have questions because it is so easy to hear each other.  So Accountant says “Stapler Guy” (except she used his real name, of course) and there is no response.  So she calls his name a little more loudly.  Then again, even more loudly.  By the fourth time she said his name people are popping up out of their little cubicles like groundhogs.  Everyone kept watching as she said his name again……and again……..and again……..and one final time.  At this point she is standing at the cubicle wall, looking into his little square and calling him from less than 2 feet away with no success.  Yall may have thought I was joking when I said that he wears those 70s style AM/FM headphones 24/7, but now you can see that I am in fact not joking.  He doesn’t take them off and you have to throw things or wave your hands like a maniac to get his attention.  The best part was that by the time he finally did acknowledge Accountant, there were at least 12 people watching over their own cubicle walls.   I have got to find a way to take a sneaky picture for you…….

Weird tidbit: I keep getting this phantom sensation in my leg.  It feels like I sat in something warm and it lasts for like 5 minutes.  I keep touching it when it gets hot, but there’s nothing there.  No rash, no spills, nothing at all.  It’s really bizarre.

Happy note: I am apparently awesome at Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the Wii.  Please bask in my glory and ignore the fact that the game was created for 12 year olds to beat.


7 Responses to “As time goes by….”

  1. abyssinian maid Says:

    Am currently basking in your glory- also, i feel that I might have a weirdcrush on Stapler Guy.
    (weirdcrush: pronounced “weerd-krush”; a strong feeling of platonic affection for an odd person, place or thing connected to said crusher’s admiration for individuality in the face of uniformity and the justified general derision of chrushee’s social atmosphere)

    • luckbear114 Says:

      Oh, Sarah. Trust me, you don’t have any crush at all….not even a weirdcrush. I could perhaps agree with your empathy if he was merely dorky and aware of said dorkiness. However, he is aggressive and crass and thinks it is everyone else who is less than normal. Also, we think he might have a slight mental condition…not retardation, per se, but something along an anti-social behavioral issue.

    • Amanda Jarvis Says:

      I’m going to put that definition in my pocket for future use.

  2. abyssinian maid Says:

    Oh….. that’s disappointing.

    • asightforsoreeyes Says:

      Sarah have you been perusing urban dictionary?

      I’m definitely ready to see a picture of this character. I think, since he is apparently so hard to get attention of anyway, you should just stand up and take a picture over a cubicle – completely nonsneaky like.

      Also, special story just for you Christine:
      So we were all out at recess and the kids were playing kickball. Well one of my kids is particularly uncoordinated and he was running home…another child had the ball and threw it at him. Completely nailed him in the feet. He went FLYING and hit the ground, kinda rolling over the ball in the process. He wasn’t hurt or anything, but I SO thought of you when it happened.

      • abyssinian maid Says:

        Nope, made that one up all by myself. 😀 And that story about the kid actually made me laugh out loud- it reminded me of Christine too! ;)~

    • luckbear114 Says:

      Why didn’t you get videooooooo???????????

      Kidding. Sort of. Perhaps you should video tape every time the kids are doing something with a high probability of funny falls. Just in case…

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